Art Department always so different every time, there's always something new to learn or discover. I like coming up with new and creative solutions to the challenges of production.
I've always liked working with my hands and doing something creative and Art Department is the perfect combination of both; creative problem solving while creating an appropriate aesthetic for each storyline.
My personality is 'active problem-solver' who would find the routine of a desk job impossible - this restless energy and joy of creating something out of nothing makes a career in Art Department and Production extremely satisfying. Most of all, I genuinely enjoy the challenge of meeting the needs of each individual project.
I am always very conscientious of finance and am always looking for the best ways to stretch budgets and gain maximum visual impact for your investment.
I have a talent for sourcing or creating bespoke items to give your production a unique and most importantly, appropriate visual aesthetic; from otherworldly to the utterly benign. My goal is to physically manifest your internal vision.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me directly with any enquiries about previous work or working on future projects.
Josef Franden
“Every viewer is going to get a different thing. That's the thing about painting, photography, cinema.”